How To Get Rid Of Termites

There are many methods for ridding your home of termites, but what is your best option? Choosing an effective natural or chemical treatment can help kill a present infestation and prevent future ones from forming. Remove Their Food Source Before treating your...


Pest Stats Color: Varies in shade from tan to black Legs: Four legs used for crawling; Front two are used as wings Shape: Body covered with hair; Two wings and very large ears Size: Depending on the species, adult bats average 2 3/16” to 7 ½” (5.5cm – 18.8 cm) in...

Africanized Honeybee

Description Africanized “killer” bees look so much like a regular honeybee that the only way to tell the two apart is by measuring their bodies. Africanized bees have different wing measurements than honeybees. Pest Facts Color: Golden yellow with darker bands of...

Varied Carpet Beetles

Description Varied carpet beetles get their name from the rainbow of color on their back surfaces. Color: Black centers, with white, brown and yellow patches in an irregular arrangement Shape: Round, Size: 1/16 inches, Legs: Six, Antenna: Yes, & Flying: Yes....


Color: Black Legs: 6 Shape: Segmented, oblong Size: 1/16″ Antennae: True Region: Found throughout U.S. Certain species of springtails are referred to as “snow fleas” when found in winter, but they are not fleas at all. Springtails are found year round, but because of...