Wildlife Prevention Tips

Raccoons, Bats, Skunks and Other Wildlife Oh My! During fall and winter months, many homeowners are typically on the lookout for rodents – the most common winter pest. However, nuisance wildlife such as raccoons, foxes, and skunks also actively seek out shelter in and...

Did You Know…….

A female house mouse can give birth to up to a dozen babies every three weeks. Imagine having as many as 150 babies a year!   Source: https://www.pestworld.org/

Did You Know…….

While the plague is often thought to be an historical disease, about 10-15 people in the U.S. contract this rodent-borne disease each year.   Source: https://www.pestworld.org/

Did You Know ……….

Bed bugs can ingest seven times their own weight in blood, which would be the equivalent of an average-sized male drinking 120 gallons of liquid. Source: https://www.pestworld.org/